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Step 1: Place the dog in a sit beside you in the heel position. (right beside you facing the front)

Step 2: Place a treat in between your left thumb & left palm. With a treat in your left hand, lure the dog forward and say "stand".

Step 3: Once the dog's rear end has left the ground, click and let the dog have the treat.

Step 4: Slowly phase out the food lure, using an empty hand to cue the dog to stand, click and reward.

Step 5: Repeat, repeat and repeat :D

The above info is provided by Gio FM and edited by Mini

Hand Signal:
When your dog is in heel position, the hand signal will be a palm facing towards him

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All materials on this site is strictly for pawsonal Group use ONLY. Please Feel free to print out the learning instructions & tips but please do NOT share the info with a third party. Thank you so much for your attention.