Knows 50+ Commands
Best Tricks: Backward
Weaving, Walk on hind legs around Mommy backwards, Tidy my Toys
Activities: Completed Puppy, Intermetiate & Advance Obedience

Gio is a super helpful pup in our group!! |
- Knows over 60 commands at last count, plus various differentations
- Best Tricks: Push (Off a wall), Take a Bow, Are You Sad?, Ready?
- Activities: Competed in flyball, training to compete in Rally-O, dabbles in Tracking
& Obedience
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Saying Hello/ No
Favorite Food: Green Peas
- Best Tricks: Sit up to Give High Five (one trick), Rollover, Take a Bow.
- Activities: Completed Level 1 obedience. Currently my mom is teaching me how to cover my face.
- Commands I know: Sit, Down and Shake Paws
- Activities:
- Best Tricks: Beg, Sing, Left & Right paw, Touch/Poke
- Activities:
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