Deadline of Contest: Nov 26th, 2006 (Sun) 11:45 p.m. PST No. of Entries
: 45 No. of Winners : 4 Judges of Contest : Gio FM & Mini Rosettes
Donors : Bertrum (1), NuNu(1), Gio FM(1), Mini(3) Participants
:Chloe, Peanutty, Baby Jessie, Gabbie the Cow, Roxie, Ginger CGC. TD. TT. DSA, Chester, Bambie, Cooper, Poncho, Mia,
Teagan, Peppered Jelly Belly Bean, Tia, Skye, Diesel, Little Pokey, Ehco, Jelly, Celestial, Colyn, Rajah Q. Buddy, Dodger,
Boomer, Riley, Inky Dinky Doodle, Bertie, Sophia, Little Miss Maddi, Leroy Hatsis, Pooch, Daisy, Lexy, Tracksie, Lily, Mini,
Muskwa, Sugar, Jombie, Rico, Penny For Your Thoughts, NPC, Chico, Buddy (Standard Poodle/Cocker), NuNu, Sophia