Step 1: Have your dog
lay down in front of you.
Step 2: With a treat in your hand, put it in front of
your dog's nose and slowly move the treat to the side of your dog's neck (it could be right side or left side, it's your preference
but it could be easier for your dog for one side). As your dog's nose follows the treat, he will lay down on his side.
Step 3: CLICK and Treat or Say BANG and give your dog a treat. Practice doing it a few
times. (give the dog a treat while he's laying on his side)
Step 4: After some
practices, do the same luring but this time, make sure that your dog's head is also touching the ground when you Click and
Treat/ Say BANG and treat. Say Release word. Practice and Practice.
Step 5: Slowly
add the Hand Signal (holding your fingers like a Gun) and add the voice cue BANG.
Step 6:
After your dog is able to lay down on his side with you only saying voice cue with hand signal, you can either a) delay
your CLICK and treat time so that your dog will stay in the position longer, or b) you can tell your dog to STAY,
wait for a few seconds, say the release word and give your dog a treat.