Got Tricks?

List Of Tricks
Clicker Training
Training Tips
Fun Group Activities
Suggested Books/ Websites:
Active Group Members:
Welcome graphic


Yellow Tumbling Arrow 8
To read instructions of how to learn a specific trick, please go to the page "LIST OF TRICKS" and click on the tricks.
Welcome to the group "GOT TRICKS???"!
This group is for any dog who LOVES to learn new tricks & commands. In this group, we will be sharing different learning tips & ideas that uses Positive Reinforcement. Also, we will have different contests from time to time to make learning more motivating! If you know any doggies who likes to learn tricks, feel free to invite them to join our group! ALL dog breeds of different sizes are welcome! I hope that you will have a fun time in this group! Let's keep the group fun & active!

There are Activities going on every week in our group so remember to check out our group page on dogster as often as you can! Don't forget to post your learning questions there! We'd be very happy to help you with your question/ problems!

Don't miss out any fun!! Click on Fun Group Activities to check out our CURRENT Activities!!!

Click Logo to go to Got Tricks Dogster Page.

Attention Members:

NEW MEMBERS, please go to the group forum thread: New Members, please intoduce yourself HERE to put a short info about yourself and let everyone know more about you!!



All materials on this site is strictly for pawsonal Group use ONLY. Please Feel free to print out the learning instructions & tips but please do NOT share the info with a third party. Thank you so much for your attention.